Is it that freakin time already!! My sons list is 3 pages long!! What's really funny is his work from school looks a little like chicken scratch and I'm constantly telling him to slow down so his writing can be neater. But this Christmas list, it was the neatest handwritten paper my 8 year old has ever written!! He believes in Santa but realizes that Santa maybe old and that maybe his eye sight isn't that good anymore so he better write neat and BIG!! So I haven't even started his list yet, and yes I still get no credit except that I love the idea and the magic behind my son still believing and I know those days are numbered but I want to drag them out for as long as possible :)
I decided I would try and do some shopping today on line, I started with my boyfriends daughter, and she is a teenager. She told me she wanted some slippers. But just not any slippers she wants these. Of course there Ugg's and there $100 dollars. It seems that everyone is wearing them.....to her school . So I asked the most important question I could think of at that point "if they looked like Uggs and were comfortable and were nice looking would she consider another brand?" She said yes, thank God ! I found a nice pair at endless.com for way less than $100, with free shipping!! When I receive them I'll post a pick and see how they compare to the Uggs!
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