
Gift Sets

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


BLTV Partner

Testing 1, 2, this thing on?!?

Have you ever prayed-I mean really prayed-in faith, resting on God's Word and faithfulness, only to see nothing happen? Such times are, to say the least, trying. Before long, a number of “so-called” explanations enter our mind:

Doubt: Maybe God hasn't heard me.

Fear: Maybe He heard me, but He isn't going to respond.

Uncertainty: Perhaps it isn't His will.

Condemnation: I probably don't deserve an answer.

Haste: I guess God wants me to do it myself.

Such thoughts rob us of God's purpose in our lives. Paul said, We destroy arguments and every proud obstacle to the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). Instead of believing the lies, why not stand in faith, knowing that God is at work in your life? None that wait upon the Lord are put to shame, instead they mount up with wings as eagles, they run and do not get weary, and walk and do not faint (Psalm 25:3; Isaiah 40:31).

It just might be that we don't know our request has both physical and spiritual ramifications that affect other beings, places, times, or things, so that God must arrange an answer that will not violate the freedom and structure of His creation. Whatever the reason might be, rest assured that God is neither ignoring us, nor withholding any good thing from us. He is, in fact, more anxious to give than we are to receive (Matthew 7:-11; Ephesians 3:20; James 4:2).

Waiting periods can be times of growth and increase. Indeed, I believe there are times when such periods are essential to our growth. It takes time to grow, and sometimes this growth is a prerequisite for the fulfillment of our desires.

While we wait, let us remember that God is not teasing us, and He does not think it's “cute” that we must wait. Rather, God would have us confidently know that He is busily at work in our lives, both to will and to do His good pleasure (Philippians 3:13).

Marguerite and I are praying for you. If you are standing in faith for something that has not yet been answered, don't give up. You are not alone! We are believing with you, trusting that God will bless you emotionally, physically, spiritually, as well as financially. Along with the financial gifts you have been “sowing,” you have also been sowing “seeds” of hope and encouragement into people's lives through the Balanced Living Television show. We pray that your life will be one that is full of hope and encouragement. As you have touched so many others, our prayer is that you will experience God's love, joy, and peace in your own life.

Press On!

Dr. Jim & Marguerite Reeve

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